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Investors take note, this home has so much potential, so much of the original woodwork is still in beautiful condition! This 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home can be brought back to it's stunning glory! But you have to have vision. You have to see past the grime and the garbage and be able to see it's potential beauty! This home is located in a historic district and there have been some improvements over time, the home is sided and it does have a newer heating system. The wood floors could easily shine again and the colonial charm of this home is still very much in tact! There are two sets of gorgeous french doors, there is a butlers pantry, a huge fireplaced living room, a 3 season sunporch off the living area...just so much to offer here! I can't wait to see this one restored and it won't take as much as you might imagine! Please note, sale is subject to probate court approval and will not qualify for FHA or VA lending.

Property Details of 122 Bellevue Avenue

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